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Ntpstat Command In Linux

Command to display ntpstat manual in Linux Ntpstat - show network time synchronisation. Ntpstat will report the synchronisation state of the NTP daemon running on the local machine. To check if ntpd is configured to run at system start issue the following command. NTP sync status can be verified using the following three commands. Ntpstat will report the synchronisation state of the NTP daemon running on the local machine. If your distro doesnt have ntpstat dont worry keep reading for more NTP status commands coming. Ntpstat is a script which prints a brief summary of the system clocks synchronisation status when..


Command to display ntpstat manual in Linux Ntpstat - show network time synchronisation. Ntpstat will report the synchronisation state of the NTP daemon running on the local machine. To check if ntpd is configured to run at system start issue the following command. NTP sync status can be verified using the following three commands. Ntpstat will report the synchronisation state of the NTP daemon running on the local machine. If your distro doesnt have ntpstat dont worry keep reading for more NTP status commands coming. Ntpstat is a script which prints a brief summary of the system clocks synchronisation status when..

If you get a command not found error Search for those tools and install them Verify NTP is working or not with ntpstat command. To check if ntpd is configured to run at system start issue the following command. If you are using 1410 or older you can try downloading the package from. Ntpstat will report the synchronisation state of the NTP daemon ntpd running on the local machine. Command chkconfig ntpd on to start the ntpd Command ntpdate -dv 19216830200 to do time sync is it the command to sync time immediately..

Linux Hint
